I can't wait

Oh how I long for that day,
When our Lord Jesus will return.
It will be the happiest day of my life,
All my worries and concerns will be gone.

I can't wait, to see His loving face,
When HE will say to me, "Well done my child."
YOU made it to Heaven,
My joy , won't be mild.

I will feel nothing but happiness,
And that is hard to picture.
I know I don't deserve Heaven,
But by God's grace,
I achieved my coal.

I pray hard that you my friend,
That you will see the light.
God is patiently waiting for you,
Pray with all your might.
And do His will .

Just ask the Lord to save you,
Ask Him to forgive you your sins.
He is waiting with open arms to receive you,
He is always ready to welcome you in the Heavenly mansion.

(C) 2004 - Alle rechten voorbehouden

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