Feasts and Holy
Convocations of the Sanctuary
God's Church Identified
Church Triumphant"
Feasts and Holy
Convocations of the Sanctuary
Why is the sanctuary so important for us to study ?
Psalms 77:11-14 (God's way is the sanctuary)
Satan tries to make of none effect the doctrine of the sanctuary
Is. 8:13-14 (promise that God will be our sanctuary)
If we want to understand God's way for our lives today, we will have to study
the sanctuary
All doctrines we teach and preach as god's covenant people are based on the
sanctuary. And Satan's knows that, and is trying his very best to make of none
effect the doctrine of the sanctuary.
By studying the sanctuary we will understand
the plan of salvation
investigative judgment
justification and sanctification by faith
etc …
Today we will study one aspect of the sanctuary - the feast and holy
There were 7 feasts or holy convocations
fullfilled in Jesus Christ
Shadow of future events
Appointed time in Jewish year => appointed time in the future
Help us to understand where we are in time
I. Passover
The first of these festivals, the Passover, the feast of unleavened bread,
occurred in Abib, the first month of the Jewish year, corresponding to the last
of March and the beginning of April. The cold of winter was past, the latter
rain had ended, and all nature rejoiced in the freshness and
beauty of the springtime. The grass was green on the hills and valleys, and wild
flowers everywhere brightened the fields. The moon, now approaching the full,
made the evenings delightful.
Ex. 12:1-14
This feast commemorated Israel's departure from Egypt.
What is the symbolic meaning of Passover ? 1 Cor. 5:7
II. Feast of Unleavened Bread
EX 12:15
This feast is called a Holy Convocation => A solemn meeting
Feast = a joyous occasion, a festival
III. Feast of First Fruits
3 selected men cut the barley in the presence of witnesses having already tied
the sheaves together before cutting them. After being cut, the sheaves were all
tied together into one sheaf and presented before the Lord as a "sheaf of the
first fruits.
Lev. 23:11,12
Not until this was done could Israel begin to use any of the fruits of the field
This offering was an acceptance offering which pointed to Christ
1 Cor. 15:20-23
IV. Pentecost
(Or the Feast of Weeks)
· 50 days after the presentation of the wave sheaf on the 16th of the 1st month
· End of the Harvest
· Holy Convocation
Lev. 23:17-22
At Pentecost 2 loaves were to be presented "baked with leaven".
The wave sheaf is "Christ the firstfruits" (Without sin)
The Bread is not God's immediate creation. It is partly man's work, imperfect,
mixed with leaven. But it is accepted. It represents us human beings.
Pentecost = symbolic of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1,2)
Read Patriarchs and Prphets pages 36-39
V. Feast of Trumpets
Holy convocation on the 1st day of the 7th month
Lev. 23:23-25
A solemn call to Israel to prepare to meet their God. The day of Judgment was
coming, and they must get ready for it.
A merciful reminder to them of the need of confession and consecration
Symbolic to the 3-angels message in Rev. 14:6-12 (also the prophecy of 2300
"Fear God and give Him Glory, for the hour of his Judgment has come"
Symbolic to the message of william miller (2300 days and the sanctuary shall be
cleansed Dan 8:14)
VI. Day of Atonement
Lev. 23:27-32
The day of atonement was the great day of Israel. It was a peculiar day, a holy,
and on it no work was to be done.
The day of atonement was the day of judgment to Israel. Day by day during the
year the transgressors had appeared at the temple and received forgiveness. On
the day of atonement these sins came in review before God.
On that day every true Israelite renewed his consecration to God and confirmed
his repentance. As a result, he was not only forgiven but cleansed.
Whoever did not on that day afflict his soul was cut off from Israel.
(see Lev. 23:29)
Read Lev. 16:30
1 John 1:9 => If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our
sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
Read Rev. 20:12-15
The day of atonement was a type if that day. The sins of those who had already
obtained forgiveness were blotted out. The unrepented sinners were "cut off"
Thus the sanctuary was cleansed of the record of sin accumulated through the
year. The sins no longer remained as a witness against the people.
Atonement had been made, and the people were not under condemnation. Even the
record existed no more.
Jesus is now the Most Holy Place in Heaven. But soon he must come out.
When Jesus finishes his ministry in the Most Holy Place, he will pronounce the
following words => Rev. 22:11
But Jesus goes further Rev. 12:12-14
This joyous occasion is fore shadowed by the last feast : Feast of Tabernacles
VII. Feast of Tabernacles
Read Lev. 23:33-36; 40-43
(Deut. 16:12-15)
· Feast began and ended with a Holy Convocation
· Commemorative of the time when Israel lived in tents in the wilderness during
their 40 years of wandering
· 7 days
Israel rejoiced because God had blessed them in the past, God had led them
safely from Egypt into the promised land.
Symbolic to the return of Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven, that joyous
occasion when all the saints will be gathered together and taken to heaven.
Early Writings of Ellen G. White, page 16, paragraph 2
Chapter Title: Experience and Views
We all entered the cloud together, and were seven days ascending to the sea of
glass, when Jesus brought the crowns, and with His own right hand placed them on
our heads. He gave us harps of gold and palms of victory. Here on the sea of
glass the 144,000 stood in a perfect square. Some of them had very bright
crowns, others not so bright. Some crowns appeared heavy with stars, while
others had but few. All were perfectly satisfied with their crowns. And they
were all clothed with a glorious white mantle from their shoulders to their
feet. Angels were all about us as we marched over the sea of glass to the gate
of the city. Jesus raised His mighty, glorious arm, laid hold of the pearly
gate, swung it back on its glittering hinges, and said to us, "You have washed
your robes in My blood, stood stiffly for My truth, enter in." We all marched in
and felt that we had a perfect right in the city.
· Conclusion
We've seen the fulfillment of almost all these feasts and Holy Convocations.
That means that God's Word is True, is Reliable, and if the Bible says that
Jesus Christ is coming again, The Bible means what it says and says what it
means. God's way is in the sanctuary. God's way is true.
We are living in the time of the 6th feast (Atonement)
Christ is making atonement for our sins in Heaven. But soon this will end.
Jesus Christ is coming again. The 7th Feast is soon to begin. I want to be part
of this feast. Do you want to be part of this feast?
The Gift of Prophecy in The Sanctuary
God's Church Identified
A sequel on the sermon "The Feasts of the Sanctuary" presented on
18th March 2000.
The Acts of the Apostles pg. 9-12
The church is God's appointed agency for the salvation of men. It was organized
for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world. From the
beginning it has been God's plan that through His church shall be reflected to
the world His fullness and His sufficiency. The members of the church, those
whom He has called out of darkness into His marvelous light, are to show forth
His glory. The church is the repository of the riches of the grace of Christ;
and through the church will eventually be made manifest, even to "the
principalities and powers in heavenly places," the final and full display of the
love of God. Ephesians 3:10.
Through centuries of persecution, conflict, and darkness, God has sustained His
church. Not one cloud has fallen upon it that He has not prepared for; not one
opposing force has risen to counterwork His work, that He has not foreseen. All
has taken place as He predicted. He has not left His church forsaken, but has
traced in prophetic declarations what would occur, and that which His Spirit
inspired the prophets to foretell has been brought about. All His purposes will
be fulfilled. His law is linked with His throne, and no power of evil can
destroy it. Truth is inspired and guarded by God; and it will triumph over all
1 Peter 2:9
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of
darkness into his marvellous light.
This is the reason for the very existence of God's Church, back in the days of Israel, in the time of the disciples, and in our time today.
God's Church can be divided in 4 different generations:
I. The Hebrew Church
II. The Early Christian Church
III. The End Time Church
IV. The Church in the New Jerusalem
In the Hebrew Church, the Early Christian Church and the Remnant Church the
Sanctuary and the Gift of Prophecy played a very important role. Let us look
more closely at these 4 Church-Generations.
I. The Hebrew Church
The Church of The Outer Courts
Gen. 12:1-3.
This was God's promise to Abraham.
The patriarchs used to worship God in their own families.
About 1500 BC God lead the descendants of these Patriarchs out of Egypt. The descendants of these patriarchs, better known as the
people of Israel, were the members of this Church, the Hebrew Church.
At the mount Sinai God personally organized this Church:
a. He gave them The Law. (Ex. 20)
b. He gave them Judgments and Ordinances (Ex.
c. Israel promised that they would keep the covenant they made with God (Ex. 24)
d. God instructed them to build The Sanctuary (Ex.
e. God gave them the "Gifts" needed to support this Church (Ex. 31, Numb. 12)
f. God gave them a Mission (Ex. 19:5,6)
After The Hebrew Church was organized, God manifested His prescense in the camp. Exodus 40
But this Church failed to fulfill its mission.
1. Instead of living in accordance with the Law, they mingled themselves with
the heathen people around them, and soon many began worshiping Baal (which is
Sun Worship). They forgot the Sabbath, which was a sign between them and God
(Ex. 31:12-17)
2. They Lost sight of the truths that were contained in The Sanctuary. In the
End instead of looking for Jesus, who would free them from sin, they looked for
somebody who could free them from the oppression of the Romans. Jesus came unto
His own, and His own received Him not (John 1:11)
3. God sent His Prophets to Israel, to lead them back to God, but Israel did not listen to
them. Examples: 1 Kings 18 1-4
(Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah)
They persecuted the true prophets of God, and listened to "other" false
prophets. Amos 7:10-15; Micah 2:6-11
Read Amos 5:21-24, Hosea 4:1-14
If Israel would listen to the Prophets send by God
(2 Chron. 20:20), and understand The
Sanctuary (Ps. 77:13),
they would have never rejected God.
Evangelism. Pg. 221,222.
The subject of the Sanctuary and the investigative judgment should be clearly
understood by the people of God. All need a knowledge for themselves of the
position and work of their great High Priest. Otherwise, it will be impossible
for them to exercise the faith which is essential at this time, or to occupy the
position which God designs them to fill.
II. The Early Christian Church
The Church of The Holy Place
While Jesus was still on earth, Jesus laid the
foundation of the Early Christian Church, the Church of the
Holy Place.
1. The first step in organizing The Early Christian Church was taken when Jesus
ordained the 12 disciples. Marc 3:14.
Jesus also affirmed this when He instituted the Last Supper. Matth. 26:26-29
2. After Jesus was crucified and buried, He rose up on the first day of the
week. His resurrection was the anti-type of the Feast of First Fruit. Jesus
promised to His disciples The Comforter, The Holy Spirit, who would lead them
into the truth, and show them the things to come.
John 16:7-15
3. On Pentecost (the anti-type of the Feast of Weeks) God manifested Himself in
this Church. Acts 2. In this God gave The Earl Christian Church the "Gifts"
needed to build and edify this Church.
4. God gave the Hebrew Church also a mission. Matth. 28:18-20. 1 Peter 2:9,10
5. This Church was build on the same foundation as the Hebrew Church was. Matth. 5:17,18; Rom 3:31
The Hebrew Church didn't follow Jesus as he entered into the Holy Place.
The Early Christian Church (a remnant of the Hebrew Church) followed Jesus into
the Holy Place, as they proclaimed that Jesus, the crucified and resurrected,
was the Son of God. Rom. 8:1,2
Just as the "man of sin" revealed himself in the
Hebrew Church, he revealed himself in the Christian Church
1. 2 Thess. 2:3-10.
Paul warns the church that the "man of sin" will soon manifest himself
2. Dan 7:8; 8:9-12.
Jesus "daily" ministry in the Outer Court and the Holy Place was taken away. The true religion
was substituted
by the power of the little horn for a false one.
3. This power would not only take away the "daily sacrifice" in the Outer Court
and the Holy Place, but would also manifest Himself in the Most Holy Place. Dan. 7:25.
This power changed the "sabbath", the 4th commandment, to Sunday.
4. Other abominations made their way into the church:
· Baptism by sprinkling
· Worship of Mary
· Priests can forgive sins
· Immortality of the soul
· Spiritism (living speaking with the dead)
Galatians 1:8,9; 2 Tim. 3:16
If they had held on to the gospel preached by God's prophets and Apostles, and
kept focused on the ministry of Jesus in the Holy Place, they would have never
rejected God.
Soon The Reformation started here in Europe. People like Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Huss, broke with the
apostate church and started showing the errors of this fallen church. As the
Bible was translated in the language of the people, more light was shed in the
minds of the people. More and more the errors of this fallen church were
revealed to the people, as they studied the Word of God themselves. As prophecy
foretold, the little horn power would reign for 1260 years (538-1798) Then this
power received its "deadly wound".
III. The
End Time Church
The Church of The Most Holy Place
Soon after The Message of Dan 8:14
was proclaimed :"2300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed".
Just as the Feast of Trumpets was 10 days before the Atonement Day, 10 years
before Christ went into the Most Holy Place, the world was warned through this prophecy.
(William Miller 1833-1844)
In 1844 Christ left the Holy Place and went into the most Holy Place.
Many expected Jesus to return on the clouds of heaven, but they were
disappointed. As 22 october 1844 past, and Jesus didn't come back, the faith of
many were shattered.
But a remnant of this group kept their faith. And soon after they learned that
Jesus wouldn't return to earth, but ended his ministry in the Holy Place, and
started His ministry in the Most Holy Place.
This remnant group formed the
End Time Church.
1. They discovered the truth of the Sanctuary in Heaven.
2. They discovered the truth of God's Law.
3. This Church had a special mission to accomplish (Rev. 14:6-12)
4. God gave "Gifts" to this Church to build and edify it. (1 Cor. 1:4-9)
5. The faith of the End Time Church was founded on the knowledge of the Law of God
and the Ministry of Jesus Christ in The Sanctuary (the Most Holy Place)
But history repeats itself. In every Church there were people who were
unfaithful to God.
· Hebrew Church => Korach, Datan, and Abiram
· Early Christian Church => Annanias and Saphira
· In the End Time Church apostasy will manifest itself.
The "little horn power" will be healed of His "deadly wound". (Rev. 13:12)
But a remnant, the 144.000 will remain faithfull to God. (Rev.
14:12; 12:17; 19:10) These
are they that will be part of the Church in the New Jerusalem.
IV. The Church in the New Jerusalem
The Church in Heaven
The members of the Church in The New Jerusalem will be all whose names are
written in the book of Life. (Rev. 21)
1. They are gathered from every tongue, nation and people. (Rev. 7:9-12)
2. The members of this Church will see God's face
(Rev. 22:1-7)
3. They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with
4. Him a thousand years." Revelation 20:4, 6.
It is at this time that, as foretold by Paul, "the saints shall judge the
world." 1 Corinthians 6:2.
In union with Christ they judge the wicked, comparing their acts with the
statute book, the Bible, and deciding every case according to the deeds done in
the body.
Great Controversy pg. 677,678
I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple
of it."
Revelation 21:22.
The people of God are privileged to hold open communion with the Father and
the Son. "Now we see through a glass, darkly."
1 Corinthians 13:12.
We behold the image of God reflected, as in a mirror, in the works of nature and
in His dealings with men; but then we shall see Him face to face, without a
dimming veil between. We shall stand in His presence and behold the glory of His
countenance. There the redeemed shall know, even as also they are known. The
loves and sympathies which God Himself has planted in the soul shall there find
truest and sweetest exercise. The pure communion with holy beings, the
harmonious social life with the blessed angels and with the faithful ones of all
ages who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb,
the sacred ties that bind together "the whole family in heaven and earth"
(Ephesians 3:15)--these help to constitute the
happiness of the redeemed.
There, immortal minds will contemplate with never-failing delight the wonders of
power, the mysteries of redeeming love. There will be no cruel, deceiving foe to
tempt to
forgetfulness of God. Every faculty will be developed, every capacity increased.
acquirement of knowledge will not weary the mind or exhaust the energies. There
the grandest
enterprises may be carried forward, the loftiest aspirations reached, the
highest ambitions
realized; and still there will arise new heights to surmount, new wonders to
admire, new truths to
comprehend, fresh objects to call forth the powers of mind and soul and body.
All the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of God's redeemed.
Unfettered by
mortality, they wing their tireless flight to worlds afar--worlds that thrilled
with sorrow at the
spectacle of human woe and rang with songs of gladness at the tidings of a
ransomed soul. With
unutterable delight the children of earth enter into the joy and the wisdom of
unfallen beings.
They share the treasures of knowledge and understanding gained through ages upon
ages in
contemplation of God's handiwork. With undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory
creation--suns and stars and systems, all in their appointed order circling the
of Deity. Upon all things, from the least to the greatest, the Creator's name is
written, and in all
are the riches of His power displayed.
And the years of eternity, as they roll, will bring richer and still more
glorious revelations of
God and of Christ. As knowledge is progressive, so will love, reverence, and
increase. The more men learn of God, the greater will be their admiration of His
character. As
Jesus opens before them the riches of redemption and the amazing achievements in
the great
controversy with Satan, the hearts of the ransomed thrill with more fervent
devotion, and with
more rapturous joy they sweep the harps of gold; and ten thousand times ten
thousand and
thousands of thousands of voices unite to swell the mighty chorus of praise.
The Gift of Prophecy in the Sanctuary
Church Triumphant"
A Sequel on the sermon "God's Church Identified" presented on the
8th April 2000
The Acts of The Apostles pg 9-15
The church is God's appointed agency for the salvation of men. It was
organized for service, and its mission is to carry the gospel to the world. From
the beginning it has been God's plan that through His church shall be reflected
to the world His fullness and His sufficiency. The members of the church, those
whom He has called out of darkness into His marvelous light, are to show forth
His glory … But the people of Israel lost sight of their high privileges as
God's representatives. They forgot God and failed to fulfill their holy mission
…They robbed God of the service He required of them, and they robbed their
fellow men of religious guidance and a holy example …. Priests and rulers became
fixed in a rut of ceremonialism. They were satisfied with a legal religion, and
it was impossible for them to give to others the living truths of heaven.
The Priest in the Sanctuary
Lev. 6:14-18; 25-29
Lev. 7:8-10
One of the important lessons of the sacrificial system was to teach the PRIEST
AND PEOPLE abhorrence from sin. God intended this abhorrence for sin to be so
great that man would "go and sin no more". These services were intended to teach
man God's holiness, his own sinfulness, and the way of God.
But beautiful and impressive as this service was, it was capable of perversion.
If the sinner should conceive the idea that his offering paid for the sin that
he had commited and that if he only brought an offering every time he sinned all
would be well, he had an entirely wrong conception of God's intent. Many of the
priests encouraged the people in this attitude.
As the remuneration of the priests in large part was derived from the sacrifices
offered by the people, they came to look upon the sacrifices as a means of
income to them. In addition to the tithes they received, the priests retained a
part of most of the sacrifices offered. They also received part of the meal
offerings and peace offerings - flour, oil, corn, wine, honey, and salt - as
well as offerings for special occations. So these priests went so far as to
encourage the people to sin.
I Sam. 2:12-17; 22-25
Lev. 10:1-11
(read Isaiah 28:7,8)
The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Two, page 13, paragraph 1
Chapter Title: The First Advent of Christ
"The priesthood had become so corrupt that the priests had no
scruples in engaging in the most dishonest and criminal acts to accomplish their
designs. Those who assumed the office of high priest prior to, and at, the time
of Christ's first advent, were not men divinely appointed to the sacred work.
They had eagerly aspired to the office through love of power and show. They
desired a position where they could have authority, and practice fraud under a
garb of piety, and thereby escape detection. The high priest held a position of
power and importance. He was not only Counselor and Mediator, but Judge; and
there was no appeal from his decision …. Men of corrupt hearts sought the
distinguished office of high priest, and frequently obtained it by bribery and
Result of corruption of the Temple Services:
ð Disregard of the Sabbath (Neh. 13:15)
ð Confederacies with heathen nations (2 Kings 16)
ð Misuse of tithe and other means (Neh. 13)
ð Unfaithful and unholy priests (Lev. 10; 1 Sam 2)
ð Abuse of Authority! (John 9)
ð Worship of God and Mammon (2 Kings 17:24-41)
This was still happening even in the New Testament (The Early Christian Church)
Read Acts 19.
God sents His Prophets
Identifying marks of a true prophet
ð Speaks "to the law and to the testimony" (Isaiah 8:20)
ð What he or she predicts will come to pass (Deut.
18:22; Jer.
ð Confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (1
John 4:1-3)
ð Teach the people to keep the commandments of God
(Deut. 13:1-4)
ð Prophets must live like a Christian should (Mat
ð A prophet will speak what God instructs him to speak (1 Kings 22:14)
The prophets were God's mouthpiece. The people may go wrong, and the priests may
go wrong. God, however, is not left without a witness. Under such circumstances
He sends a prophet to His people to bring them back to the right way. Read 1 Sam 15:22
The prophets were not popular with the priests. As the priests served in the
temple from day to day, inviting the people to bring their sacrifices, the
prophets would call the people to repentance and "sin no more".
This meant a decrease of income to the priests and they didn't like that. (read
the story of Mica in 1 Kings 22
and Micah 7:10-13)
ð Jer. 7:1-4
(Jeremiah warning the people to bring no more offerings)
ð Isa. 1:11-15
(God will not accept the people's sacrifices)
ð Amos 5:21-26
(The served God, Moloch and Chiun at the same time)
Specific Messages of the prophets to God's people
Subject |
Specific Message |
Disregard of the Sabbath
(Neh. 13:15) |
· Call to true Sabbathkeeping
(Isa. 59:13,14) |
· Reward of Faithful Sabbathkeeping
(Isa. 56:1-7) |
Confederacies (with heathen nations)
(2 Kings 16) |
· Trust not in confederacies but in the Lord
(Isa. 8:9-13) |
Unfaithful and unholy priests
Sam 2) |
·Failure to distinguish between things sacred and common
(Mal. 1:7-10) |
· Failure of the Priest to provide Spiritual Leadership
(Mal. 1:13,14; Mal
2:1-13) |
Misuse of tithe and other means
(Neh. 13) |
· A Specific indictment for robbery of God
(Mal. 3:7-12) |
Abuse of Authority!
(John 9) |
· Woe to oppressors
(Mic. 2:1-3) |
Worship of God and Mammon
(2 Kings 17:24-41) |
· If the Lord be God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him
(1 Kings 18:21) |
The true prophets of God also warned the people of Israel for false prophets:
Micah 2:5-7,11; Hosea 4:1-19
Even Jesus warned the religious leaders of Jerusalem while ministering on earth.
Matth. 23.
Selected Messages Book 1, page 388, paragraph 1
Chapter Title: Christ the Center of the Message
A legal religion has been thought quite the correct religion for this time. But
it is a mistake. The rebuke of Christ to the Pharisees is applicable to those
who have lost from the heart their first love. A cold, legal religion can never
lead souls to Christ; for it is a loveless, Christless religion. When fastings
and prayers are practiced in a self-justifying spirit, they are abominable to
God. The solemn assembly for worship, the round of religious ceremonies, the
external humiliation, the imposed sacrifice-- all proclaim to the world the
testimony that the doer of these things considers himself righteous. These
things call attention to the observer of rigorous duties, saying, This man is
entitled to heaven. But it is all a deception. Works will not buy for us an
entrance into heaven. The one great Offering that has been made is ample for all
who will believe. The love of Christ will animate the believer with new life …..
Look up to God, look not to men. God is your heavenly Father who is willing
patiently to bear with your infirmities, and to forgive and heal them. "This is
life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3).
Read Revelation 2 and 3
Revelation 2:1-7
The very first impulse of the renewed heart is to bring others also to the
Saviour. Those who do not possess this desire give evidence that they have lost
their first love; they should closely examine their own hearts in the light of
God's word, and earnestly seek a fresh baptism of the Spirit of Christ; they
should pray for a deeper comprehension of that wondrous love which Jesus
manifested for us in leaving the realms of glory and coming to a fallen world to
save the perishing. 5T 385-386
Revelation 2:8-11
I saw a very large company professing the name of Christ, but God did not
recognize them as His. He had no pleasure in them. Satan seemed to assume a
religious character and was very willing that the people should think they were
Christians. He was even anxious that they should believe in Jesus, His
crucifixion, and His resurrection. Satan and his angels fully believe all this
themselves, and tremble. But if this faith does not provoke to good works, and
lead those who profess it to imitate the self-denying life of Christ, Satan is
not disturbed; for they merely assume the Christian name, while their hearts are
still carnal, and he can use them in his service even better than if they made
no profession. EW 227
Maranatha, page 30, paragraph 4
Study … for history will be repeated. . . . We, with all our religious
advantages, ought to know far more today than we do know.
Read Revelation 2:14-22
This is the testimony borne concerning the church at Laodicea. This church had been faithfully instructed. In his
letter to the Colossians, Paul wrote: "Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of
Christ, saluteth you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may
stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. For I bear him record, that
he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in
Hierapolis." Much excellent labor was bestowed upon the Laodicean church. To
them was given the exhortation, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father
which is in heaven is perfect." But the church did not follow up the work begun
by God's messengers. They heard, but they failed to appropriate the truth to
themselves, and to carry out the instruction given them. The result that
followed is the result always sure to follow the rejection of the Lord's
warnings and entreaties. " Manuscript Releases Volume Sixteen, page 12,
paragraph 2
But a remnant did not loose their faith in God. Who are they ? Read Zeph 3:11-13
"But in Judah there dwelt some who maintained their allegiance to
Jehovah, steadfastly refusing to be led into idolatry. It was to these that
Isaiah and Micah and their associates looked in hope as they surveyed the ruin
wrought during the last years of Ahaz. Their sanctuary was closed, but the
faithful ones were assured: "God is with us." Sanctify the Lord of hosts
Himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread. And He shall be
for a sanctuary." Isaiah 8:10, 13, 14. " Prophets and Kings pg. 328
These are The Remnants, the ones who Keep the Commandments of God, have the
Faith of Jesus Christ, and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ (=Spirit of
Rev 12:17; 14:12
Loma Linda Messages, page 33, paragraph 1
"Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established believe his prophets,
so shall ye prosper." Isa. 8:20.
"To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this work, it
is because there is no light in them." Two texts are here set before God's
people: two conditions for success. The law spoken by Jehovah himself, and the
spirit of prophecy, are the two sources of wisdom to guide His people in every
experience. Deut. 4:6.
"This is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, who
shall say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people." The law
of God and the Spirit of Prophecy go hand in hand to guide and counsel the
church, and whenever the church has recognized this by obeying His law, the
spirit of prophecy has been sent to guide her in the way of truth.
Rev. 12:17.
"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant
of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus
Christ." This prophecy points out clearly that the remnant church will
acknowledge God in His law and will have the prophetic gift. Obedience to the
law of God, and the spirit of prophecy has always distinguished the true people
of God, and the test is usually given on present manifestations.
2 PETER 1:19
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take
heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the
day star arise in your hearts.
2 PETER 3:17,18
Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also,
being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To
him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
Purposes of the Visions and the Testimonies
What They Are Not :
1. Not "an addition to the Word of God."--5T, p. 663.
2. "Not to give new light."--5T, p. 665.
3. "Not for a new rule of faith."--Experience and Views, p. 64, (EW 78).
What They Are:
1. "For the comfort of His people."--Experience and Views, p. 64, (EW 78). "To
encourage the desponding and fainting soul. --RH, Jan. 10, 1856, (Messenger to
the Remnant, p. 53).
2. "To correct those who err from Bible truth."--Experience and Views, p. 64,
(EW 78). "To correct and reprove the erring. --RH, Jan. 10, 1856, (Messenger, p.
53) .
3. "To bring the minds of His people to His Word."--5T, p. 663. "God has through
the Testimonies simplified the great truths already given."--5T, p. 665. "To
impress vividly upon the heart the truths of inspiration already revealed."--5T,
p. 565.
4. To instruct concerning God's will.--5T, p. 661.
5. To instruct concerning "the course that He would have them pursue."--5T, p.
6. "To call" attention to Bible "principles for the formation of correct habits
of living."--5T, pp. 663, 664.
7. To clarify "Man's duty to God and to his fellow men."--5T 665. "To awaken
them to their duty."--5T, p. 665.
8. "To specify what is truth. "--EGW Letter 117, 1910. (Messenger, p. 82) .
"When the power of God testifies as to what is truth, that truth is to stand
forever as the truth."--Selected Messages, Bk. 1, p. 161.
9. "To confirm the faith of my people in the position they have taken. --RH,
July 18,
1907, (SM, Bk. 1, p. 41).
10. To bring unity into the church causing God's people to "see eye to eye and
be of the same mind."--3T, p. 361.
Last Day Events, page 53, paragraph 3 Chapter Title: God's Last Day Church
Now I want to say, God has not put any kingly power in our ranks to control this
or that branch of the work. The work has been greatly restricted by the efforts
to control it in every line. There must be a renovation, a reorganization; a
power and strength must be brought into the committees that are necessary
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, July 23, 1895, paragraph 1 Article Title: The
Great Need of the Holy Spirit (Concluded)
God has not appointed any man guide, nor made any man conscience for another;
therefore let human hands be withheld from restraining his servants who feel the
burden to enter his vineyard to labor. Let God work with his own chosen agents
by his Holy Spirit. No human being is to sit in judgment upon his brother.
Neither are any to feel that they can handle roughly the precious pearls for
which Christ gave his life. The pearl, the precious human pearl, was found by
Christ. Let man be warned; be careful how you treat the Lord's "peculiar
treasure." All discourtesy, all pain, all neglect, which these souls suffer at
your hands, is charged against you as inflicted upon Jesus Christ. They are not
to be treated in a lordly, commanding manner. Laws and rules are being made at
the centers of the work that will soon be broken into atoms. Men are not to
dictate. It is not for those in places of authority to employ all their powers
to sustain some, while others are cast down, ignored, forsaken, and left to
perish. But it is the duty of the leaders to lend a helping hand to all who are
in need. Let each work in the line which God may indicate to him by his Holy
Spirit. The soul is accountable to God alone. Who can say how many avenues of
light have been closed by arrangements which the Lord has not advised nor
instituted? The Lord does not ask permission of those in responsible positions
when he wishes to use certain ones as his agents for the promulgation of truth.
But he will use whom he will use. He will pass by men who have not followed his
counsel, men who feel capable and sufficient to work in their own wisdom; and he
will use others who are thought by these supposedly wise ones to be wholly
incompetent. Many who have some talent think that they are necessary to the
cause of God. Let them beware lest they stretch themselves beyond their measure,
and the Lord shall leave them to their own ways, to be filled with their own
doings. None are to exercise their human authority to bind minds and souls of
their fellow-men. They are not to devise and put in practice methods and plans
to bring every individual under their jurisdiction.
Testimonies for the Church Volume One, page 261, paragraph 3 Chapter Title:
Great Distress Coming
There are fearful woes for those who preach the truth, but are not sanctified by
it, and also for those who consent to receive and maintain the unsanctified to
minister to them in word and doctrine. I am alarmed for the people of God who
profess to believe solemn, important truth, for I know that many of them are not
converted nor sanctified through it. Men can hear and acknowledge the whole
truth, and yet know nothing of the power of Godliness. All who preach the truth
will not themselves be saved by it. Said the angel: "Be ye clean, that bear the
vessels of the Lord."
Testimonies for the Church Volume Three, page 553, paragraph 2 Chapter Title:
Industry in the Ministry
It would be poor policy to support from the treasury of God those who really mar
and injure His work, and who are constantly lowering the standard of
Sabbath School Worker Jan 3, 1905
Today, as in the days of Malachi, there are ministers who labor, not because
they dare not do otherwise, not because the woe is upon them, but for the wages
they are to receive. It is entirely wrong to hire every errand that is done for
the lord. The treasury of the Lord has been drained by those who have been only
an injury to the cause. If ministers give themselves wholly to the work of God,
and devote all their energies to building up His cause, they will have no lack.
Manuscript Releases Volume Four, page 87, paragraph 2 Chapter Title: Materials
Relating to SDA Institutions, Confederacies, and Labor Unions
The wicked are being bound up in bundles, bound up in trusts, in unions, in
confederacies. Let us have nothing to do with these organizations. God is our
ruler, our governor, and He calls us to come out from the world and be separate.
"Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the
unclean thing." If we refuse to do this, if we continue to link up with the
world, and to look at every matter from a worldly standpoint, we shall become
like the world. When worldly policy and worldly ideas govern our transactions,
we cannot stand on the high and holy platform of eternal truth.
Manuscript Releases Volume Nineteen, page 242, paragraph 3
The so-called Christian world is to be the theater of great and decisive
actions. Men in authority will enact laws controlling the conscience, after the
example of the papacy.
Babylon will make all
nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Every nation will be
involved. Of this time John the Revelator declares : [Rev. 18:3-7, quoted].
"These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is
Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and
chosen, and faithful" [Rev. 17:13, 14] ..There will be a universal bond of
union, one great harmony, a confederacy of Satan's forces. "And shall give their
power and strength unto the beast." Thus is manifested the same arbitrary,
oppressive power against religious liberty, freedom to worship God according to
the dictates of conscience, as was manifested by the papacy, when in the past it
persecuted those who dared to refuse to conform with the religious rites and
ceremonies of Romanism. In the warfare to be waged in the last days there will
be united, in opposition to God's people, all the corrupt powers that have
apostatized from allegiance to the law of Jehovah. In this warfare the Sabbath
of the fourth commandment will be the great point at issue; for in the Sabbath
commandment the great Law-giver identifies Himself as the Creator of the heavens
and the earth. Satan tempted Christ with bribes, promising that if He would
worship him, He should have the kingdoms of the world. .. Likewise, in the last
great issue between Christ's followers and the powers of darkness, Satan offers
his bribes to men and women… In the place of the bribes he offered Christ, Satan
comes to God's people in this age of the world with the laws of nations in his
hands, declaring: "I now have matters arranged. You must worship me, or else
your rights of protection from the world will be withdrawn from you." By many,
the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is made void, being treated as a thing of
naught; while the spurious sabbath, the child of the papacy, is exalted. In the
place of God's laws, are elevated the laws of the man of sin--laws that are to
be received and regarded as the wonderful golden image of Nebuchadnezzar was by
the Babylonians.
In Heavenly Places, page 341, paragraph 2
Chapter Title: Day of Triumph
We are rapidly approaching the end of this earth's history; and as we realize
that Jesus is indeed coming soon, we shall be aroused to labor as never before.
. . . We are to raise the banner on which is inscribed, "The commandments of
God, and the faith of Jesus." Obedience to God's law is the great issue. Let it
not be put out of sight. . . . The Lord desires to see the work of proclaiming
the third angel's message carried forward with increasing efficiency. As He has
worked in all ages to give victories to His people, so in this age He longs to
carry to a triumphant fulfillment His purposes for His church. He bids His
believing saints to advance unitedly, going from strength to greater strength,
from faith to increased assurance and confidence in the truth and righteousness
of His cause. We are to stand firm as a rock to the principles of the Word of
God, remembering that God is with us to give us strength to meet each new
experience. Let us ever maintain in our lives the principles of righteousness. .
. . We are to hold as very sacred the faith that has been substantiated by the
instruction and approval of the Spirit of God from our earliest experience until
the present time. We are to cherish as very precious the work that the Lord has
been carrying forward through His commandment-keeping people, and which, through
the power of His grace, will grow stronger and more efficient as time advances.
The enemy is seeking to becloud the discernment of God's people and to weaken
their efficiency, but if they will labor as the Spirit of God shall direct, He
will open doors of opportunity before them for the work of building up the old
waste places. Their experience will be one of constant growth, until the Lord
shall descend from heaven with power and great glory to set His seal of final
triumph upon His faithful ones.