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My Heavenly Father Knows Best

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your
heart. -- Ps. 37:4, NIV.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I traveled home from the interview. I had
looked forward to this day with much anticipation. I felt confident in
my knowledge and experience. The ministry personnel who reviewed my
application were impressed sufficiently to make it available even to
other geographic areas.

I couldn't have anticipated that a routine annual medical checkup would
result in my father being scheduled for lung cancer surgery on the very
day of my interview. I discussed the matter with Dad, who encouraged me
to go to the interview, since staying at the hospital during his
surgery would benefit neither of us.

On entering the interview room, I immediately sensed that the
interviewer was surprised, if not disappointed. She clearly found my
physical appearance not to be what she had expected from my résumé. I
felt the interview slipping away and could do nothing to stop the
slide. Feeling dejected and utterly disappointed, I cried all the way
home. What more could I have done? I thought I was fully prepared for
what would have been an excellent job opportunity. But was I? Had I
included reliance on God as part of the preparation? Maybe not as much
as I should have. To add to my sorrow, my dad subsequently developed
complications and succumbed to his illness.

When I reflected on this experience, the words of Solomon, recorded in
Proverbs 3:5, 6, rang in my ears: "Trust in the Lord with all your
heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways
acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths" (NRSV). I have a
tendency to be self-reliant. Had I been successful in that job
interview, I would no doubt have credited myself for the success. The
Lord was teaching me a much-needed lesson of dependence on Him, and
only Him.

About a year later I received a lifetime judicial appointment-one
beyond anything I had dreamed of or could have hoped for a year
earlier. It's a position that I'm still enjoying some 14 years later.

We serve a mighty God, a God who has the capacity and compassion to
bless us in spite of our shortcomings. He did just that for me, and I
know He will do it for you. Just trust Him.