The best thing you could do after a day of hard la

The best thing you could do after a day of hard labour, open up the Word
24 oktober 2011 om 21:39

Have you ever been tired after a hard days work? Well I have. Commuting through have traffic. Making decission at the office. Somethings having to display extraordinary strengh to lift, push and move heavy objects, or letting you brain work somewhat harder than that you are often used to.
When i sit down behind the computer and play a few moments with "Collapse" or "Bubbleshooter" game... my worn out energy does not return. Even not walk around the park after dinner would do the trick. But do you know what really workds for me? NO!.

It's quite easy... share your faith. Last week i have been sharing the gospel with several people in my howntown of Roosendaal and tomorrow i will go to the city to conduct Biblestudies their. And all of them are in the evening.. you guesed it, right after having a hard and somewhat tiresome day at the job.
When you pray and open the scriputeres, you know that the Holy Spirit is present. The people who are studying with you and even yourself get energized by the truths laid down before you. You want to dig more and more in the abounding love of Christ. You wonder about the plain truth and how you can apply it to your own live. You see newly believers receive joy and hapiness by reading their Bibles and seeing that God loves them just for who they are.
Do you get a empowered by the word of God. Are you moved with love... not hindered by the strain on your day-to-day activities, let us know. What are you doing to "Promote" the everlasting gospel and tell people about the Second Advent.

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