Jesus told me: He is all that I need! So what abou

Jesus told me: He is all that I need! So what about you?
30 juli 2012 om 21:29

What do you want out of life? What do you set out to endeavour. What do you seek or long after? We struggle, we strive, after every success... the danger of defeat lingers.

When i was young I asked myself, "Riches and wealth could help me feel accepted"" But that didn't worked out

Then I thought, "Fame, being accepted by my friends" But when I when i could not meet the acceptations of my friends.. the left me all alone

Then I thought, "If i find a popular girlfriend.. then people would accept me en love me." But that didn't work out either.

I did everything to get me needs fulfilled. But it seemed pointless. I was desperate thinking by myself.. "Why would I want to life... if life treats man so cruelly.'

But then one day.. it dawned on me,. I started to accept, to realize... There is one who is willing to give all that I need.

I'm mean what I really need. Things of this world cannot give what we truly need out of life.. but I met someone who can.. I met someone who can change us from the inside out. Someone who makes you feel glad even when the earth looks dime. One who gives me a song to sing.. when I lack the words to produce any sound. That only begotten Son, who gave me the wife and the perfect relationship that I need.

I discovered.... Jesus is all that I need, discover what Jesus told me:

"Maybe a storm is the only way, way to move you.
From where you are to what I need you to be
So let the win and the waves overtake you
Till all you reach for, reach for is Me.

So here I am standing
waiting with My arms open wide
Hope you will realize, I am all that you need!
I am all that you need!
Open up your eyes, oh precious child of Mine
I am all you need!

Drowning in messy compromise, that engulfs you.
Grasping for answers, illusions to peace.
Don't be afraid to let it
overwhelm you.
Til all you run to, run to is Me.

So here I am standing
waiting with My arms open wide
Hope you will realize, I am all that you need!
I am all that you need!
Open up your eyes, oh precious child of Mine
I am all you need!

So what about you.. is Jesus all that you'll need?

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