Evangelizing works... Really!... It works!

Evangelizing works... Really!... It works!
18 januari 2011 om 21:35

In my wife's local church they started with a new evangelizing program (in that CHurch i am a member of the Mission council). We decided to let every member go out and distribute at least 50 tracts to their direct neighbours. At least 8 different flyers during a 3 to 4 month period.
The goal is to build uip relationships, start up local biblestudy groups and share the Good News of the coming Kingdom to our fellowmen. If all goes well a crusade is planned for later this year.

It was raining last night. Not a 'good'; night to spread the gospel (in human terms), but my wife still went out, while i was working on the website of the ministry i work for (AGP). Later in the evening i got a phone call of somebody who received a flyer.

It was a churchmember who wanted to be more active in chruch work, and who was taking it easy for a quit a while. She was delighted to hear that ther where fellow adventists in the same street, and she never knwe. She was so delightied. I am sure we can get together and start a biblestudy group, right here where we life.

People who seek the former and letter rain, won't be disturb if it is 'raiining' outside and if they might get wet while doing the Lords work....

Living for and with Jesus.. is real life... Evangelzing.. the good old fashioned way still works... Really... IT works!

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